Information agency «Center of Journalistic Investigations» is the media project of Crimean non-governmental organizations «Information Press Center» (IPC) and «Crimean Center of Investigative Journalism» (Crimean CJI). 

Agency includes online media the Center of Journalistic Investigations, TV broadcast «Issues of National Security», projects Bureau of Court Information and media centers of IPC in Kherson oblast. 

IPC is the member of GJIN

The Center of Journalist Investigations is non-profit and non-partisan project, financed by charitable contributions and grants of international donors. 

The editorial board of IA «Center of Journalistic Investigations» is temporary located in Kyiv, until the liberation of Crimea. 

Chief Editor – Valentyna Samar

Deputy Chief Editor – Yevhenii Leshan

Editor of Bureau of Court InformationNatalia Kokorina 

Head of media center IPC-KhersonPetro Kobernyk 

Editor of online media IPC-SouthAlyona Nikolova 

Editorial e-mail: [email protected]

Free use of information and multimedia content of IA «Center of Journalistic Investigations» is allowed if referenced. Online media must indicate hyperlink to the Center of Journalistic Investigations and mention it as the source not lower than the second paragraph of the text.