Petro Kobernyk
Roman Mrochko, the Head of Kherson City Military Administration, regularly posts photos of repaired shelters and thanks of residents in his Telegram channel. Word “shelter” has been mentioned 73 times in Mrochko’s channel. Almost all posts about shelters indicate precise addresses. Addresses of all shelters of Kherson have been made public on special online map,…
Residents of Kherson have lived under daily Russian shelling for almost one year. Bomb shelters and simple hiding places should have protected residents from Russian missiles and shells but there are a few of them in the city. Protective cement modules at stops of public transport have been constructed in liberated Kherson during winter 2023….
Kherson has been under daily Russian shelling since its liberation on November 11, 2022. Approximately 200 inhabitants have been killed by Russian artillery during half a year. The death toll grows each week. However, the construction of shelters has started only recently. How much does the safety of Kherson residents cost? And how are Kherson…