Oleg Baturin

Oleg Baturin


Author articles (11)
Expropriation Named After Saldo. Russian Prosecutors Reverse Saldo’s “nationalization” of Ukrainian Assets in Kherson Region

Russian occupation prosecutors have submitted a wave of lawsuits to Russian “arbitration court of Kherson oblast”. They require recognizing as void contracts which transferred assets of Ukrainian legal entities under management of companies owned or controlled by Russian “governor” Volodymyr Saldo and his friends. They also require reimbursing multi-million losses. However, prosecutors would like to…

How and Why Ukrainian authorities Deprived Public Employees of their Salaries in Occupied Kherson Region?

After orders of senior public officials of Kherson region, Ukrainian authorities started depriving public employees on temporary occupied territories of their salaries. In some communities, it leads to a wave of dismissals. At the same time, representatives of Ukrainian authorities deny that they issued written or oral orders to suspend labor contracts with employees on…

Who Are Deputies of Russian Occupation Head of Nova Kakhovka Vitalii Gura?

After appointment of Vitalii Gura as the new «head» of Russian occupation administration of Nova Kakhovka, Marjan Zholubak and Maksym Novak were appointed as his deputies. Violetta Shlyazhko was selected as an advisor of new «head». The Center of Journalist Investigations identified these people and their stories of betrayal.

В’їзд у селище Мирне Скадовського району. Фото: Олег Батурін
Sasha-kanistra, Vodka and dead Russian «governor». Who surrendered Myrne and Kalanchak communities to Russian occupants

Myrne village community of Skadovsk raion has been occupied during the first hours of the Russian full scale invasion into Ukraine. Two key checkpoints «Kalanchak» and «Chaplynka» at the border of the Crimean peninsula are located here. Residents of the community saw by their own eyes how Russian troops invaded Ukraine from Crimea on February…

Fake mineral water «Kakhovka» for Putin. How Russian occupants steal Ukrainian business in Kherson region

After Russian occupants destroyed the Kakhovka hydroelectric station, they delivered 6 liter bottles of mineral water «Kakhovka» to residents of Ivanivka community in Genichesk raion, «First of all, we sent them to social institutions and low income families», as proudly reported Igor Kastukevich, the deputy of the Russian State Duma.

Residents of Stanislav community in Kherson region are coming back home

Resident of Stanislav village of Kherson raion Tetyana Stasuk came back to her village immediately after its liberation from Russian occupants on November 11, 2022. Almost half of village residents have already returned to their homes.

полиция геническ
Who Manages Russian «Police Offices» in Occupied Kherson Region?

Traitors from Crimea and Donetsk region and local collaborators manage illegally created «police departments» in temporarily occupied Kherson region. Almost all of them started their activity since the beginning of the Russian full scale invasion in Ukraine. Their task has been to overcome any resistance to the Russian occupation. They apply illegal persecution, detainment, tortures…

“Russians broke my fence, entered the house and searched in underpants. They looked for Bandera”

“When Russian occupants came, I was scared to death and was afraid to go out”, as recalls Hanna Voronko, with tears in her eyes, resident of Novoraisk village of Beryslav raion in Kherson region.  The village and Right Bank Part of Kherson region were liberated from Russian occupants on November 11, 2022. Today Hanna Vasylivna…

эвакуация Херсон
Evacuation and rotation: what is the situation on the right bank of Dnipro?

Russian occupants evacuated their military hospital from occupied premises of Beryslav central district hospital on the right bank of Kherson oblast on October 24. Occupants’ field hospital and checkpoint near Kostyrka village of Novoraiska territorial community of Beryslav district also disappeared. However, the number of Russian military troops did not change. 

Kherson Region under Occupation: Drug Shortage and Permanent Threat to Life 

Kherson inhabitants ran into the absence of vital drugs since the first days of full scale Russian invasion. As an occupant, the Russian Federation is obliged to satisfy vital needs of people living on occupied territory. On the contrary, Russian occupants created the shortage of everything – from drugs to food. Their goal is to…