Maryna Pasyuk

Maryna Pasyuk


Author articles (14)
Crimean Tatar Singer Jamala, Former Parliamentarian Kotelyak and Public Official Falush, Russian Oligarch Churkin. Whose Assets Russian Occupants Expropriated?

«State Council» of occupied Crimea has illegally expropriated assets of 112 Ukrainian companies and citizens for their «cooperation» with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Center of Journalist Investigations studied the list of expropriated assets and found out a lot of interesting facts. Information about «double» or hidden life of some Ukrainian politicians and businessmen…

Russian Occupants Suffer from Acute Labor Shortage in Occupied Crimea

Occupied Crimea suffers from growing labor shortage. It covers all branches and spheres: health care, education, construction, tourist, industry, agriculture and even Russian occupation authorities and law enforcement bodies. For example, graduate from the Russian “Academy of prosecutors” Olga Vladimirovna Rastrigina has been recently appointed as the “acting Minister of Health Care” of occupied Crimea. 

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Be Prepared to Kill or Die for Russia 3. «Eaglets» and Children’s Military Clubs of DOSAAF

The Center of Journalist Investigations continues a series of publications about children’s military units in occupied Crimea and their initiators and supervisors (see part 1 and part 2). Pseudo patriotic movement in Russia and on occupied territories of Ukraine is quickly developing. It trains children to hate anything non-Russian and be prepared to kill or…

Be Prepared to Kill or Die for Russia 2. Who Trains Children’s Army of Russia in Crimea

The Center of Journalist Investigations continues its series of publications about military units for children, created by Russian authorities in occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. First part of the Center’s investigation focused on regional offices of All-Russian «Young Army», All-Crimean projects «Krympatriotcenter», «Union of Cossack Youth of Crimea and Sevastopol» and local organizations…

Be prepared to kill or die for Russia. Militarization of children in occupied Crimea

Russia has developed an immense system of youth and children’s military organizations, conducting «patriotic training» of children, including Ukrainian children on occupied territories of Ukraine. Children have been taught to fight. They have been brainwashed by Russian propagandist clichés.  Russia has increased budgetary expenses on youth policy by 50 times during last ten years –…

Expropriation of Crimean lands as means of Russian neo-colonization

Looting of Ukrainian business and property in occupied Crimea acquired tsunami scale. Expropriation of land assets (from land plots with immovable property objects to thousands hectares of arable land) reminds the crime committed by the Russian empire since the first annexation of Crimea in XVIII century. De-landing and forced Russification caused emigration of aboriginal people…

Russian looting of Crimea: Para-Olympic center, ship repair plant, apartments of Khomutynnyk, hotel of Shkirya, villa of Onyshuk

Russian occupation authorities of Crimea and their Russian supervisors are happy to “nationalize” property of Ukrainian companies, politicians and businessmen with the aim to acquire it free of charge or at favorable prices. The list of expropriated objects is 83 pages long.  The first wave of illegal expropriation of the property of Ukrainians in Crimea…

Recipients of Putin’s grants: Orthodox priest, fake sniper and «volunteers»

The Center for Journalist Investigations keeps disclosing Russian collaborators in Crimea who receive money from Putin’s Fund of Presidential Grants for projects on occupied territories. The first part of our investigation focused on projects by Olena Aksyonova, the wife of «the Head of Crimea» Aksyonov, and propagandist Olena Ivanichenko. Our another material uncovered militarist project…

Recipients of Putin’s Grants: Wife of Aksyonov and Propagandists

«The Fund of Presidential Grants» of Vladimir Putin granted over 600 million Russian Rubles for 290 projects in occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. Some money were spent for educational, sports, children’s and family projects. Significant part of Putin’s grants was allocated to Russian propagandist and patriotic projects promoting «Russian world».

Courses of killers for adults and teenagers. Drone operators are actively trained in Sevastopol for the war against Ukraine

New profitable business is gaining momentum in occupied Sevastopol, simultaneously with lies of the Russian propaganda about «special military operation» in Ukraine. A number of organizations launched training courses of drone operators. «Sevastopol State University» proposes to master «the profession of drone operator» for 32,5 thousand Rubles.