Maryna Pasyuk
«Sanctions will make Russia stronger», «Russia is successful in import replacement», «GDP grows» are regular slogans of Russian officials and propagandists. The Center of Journalist Investigations asked its readers in occupied Crimea – have Russian aggression against Ukraine and imposed Western sanctions influenced quality of their lives? Readers’ feedback was expected: sanctions negatively impacted their…
Dozens of dead dolphins, hundreds of dead birds, dozens of square kilometers of polluted sea shore – these are the first outcomes of shipwreck in the Kerch Strait on December 15. Sea storm broke and sank two Russian tankers «Volgoneft-212» and «Volgoneft-239» with over 9 thousand tons of fuel oil. In accordance with preliminary data,…
Recently released data of the Crimean Committee of Statistics about socio-economic situation in January-September 2024 demonstrated a number of serious problems in Crimea: the fall of construction, industrial and agricultural production and worsening social situation. Data about various branches of economy has been closed.
In Crimea, numerous people call themselves «volunteers» and support bloody Russian aggression against Ukraine. They deliver food, clothes, camouflage nets, drugs, drones and thermal cameras to Russian occupants.
One of the most influential persons of Russia, Herman Gref, the Head of «Sberbank of Russia», old friend of Vladimir Putin, actively develops the Southern Shore of Crimea. For his benefit, lucrative land plots are transferred or expropriated from local residents; buildings are destroyed; Massandra vineyards and unique forests are erased; property and businesses of…
In June 2024, Russian occupation authorities of Crimea conducted «nationalization» of Ukrainian property. Four star park hotel «Porto Mare» in Alushta has been among the most expensive assets. This story has clear signs of Russian war crime. It also demonstrates collaborative activity of Ukrainian founders of «Porto Mare» in Russian jurisdiction. They openly support Russian…
Crimea has experienced problems with water supply during all ten years of Russian occupation. North Crimean Canal, the main line of water supply, has satisfied Crimean needs by waters of Dnieper River by 85%. After the Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014, the Canal was closed. In 2023, Russian occupants exploded a dam of Kakhovka…
«State Council» of occupied Crimea has illegally expropriated assets of 112 Ukrainian companies and citizens for their «cooperation» with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Center of Journalist Investigations studied the list of expropriated assets and found out a lot of interesting facts. Information about «double» or hidden life of some Ukrainian politicians and businessmen…
Occupied Crimea suffers from growing labor shortage. It covers all branches and spheres: health care, education, construction, tourist, industry, agriculture and even Russian occupation authorities and law enforcement bodies. For example, graduate from the Russian “Academy of prosecutors” Olga Vladimirovna Rastrigina has been recently appointed as the “acting Minister of Health Care” of occupied Crimea.
The Center of Journalist Investigations continues a series of publications about children’s military units in occupied Crimea and their initiators and supervisors (see part 1 and part 2). Pseudo patriotic movement in Russia and on occupied territories of Ukraine is quickly developing. It trains children to hate anything non-Russian and be prepared to kill or…