Sergii Starushko

Sergii Starushko


Author articles (14)
  Нова залізнична колія на ТОТ Донецької області.  Березень 2024 р. Джерело фото: соцмережі 
Russian occupants construct railway line from Donetsk to Southern Ukraine and launched train Mariupol-Volnovakha

Last satellite data indicate that the Russian Federation keeps expanding railway network on temporary occupied territories of Ukraine, in order to improve its military logistics. Last month these works accelerated 40 kilometers to the south of Donetsk. Construction of railway line between Mariupol and Berdyansk has also advanced. 

Как выглядят фортификации на Запорожчине за 1,3 млрд грн, которые строят в режиме 24/7

По всей линии столкновения на юге и востоке, а также приграничных с Россией и Беларусью регионах, Украина с 2024 года усиленно строит инженерно-фортификационные сооружения. Правительство с начала года выделило на линии обороны рекордные 20 млрд гривен, из которых 1,3 млрд – на укрепления в Запорожской области. Центр журналистских расследований рассказывал, что свободная часть Запорожчины в…

Марина та Віталій Бровко та їх залізні коні. Колаж:
Iron Horses of ex-Head of Berdyansk Police

Former head of Ukrainian police in Berdyansk Vitalii Brovko left the service in law enforcement bodies after the beginning of Russian full scale invasion and occupation of the city. In May 2023, he has been appointed as the director of state owned enterprise «Horses of Ukraine». His public asset declaration revealed a number of luxury…

How Russia increases export of crops stolen in the South of Ukraine

In November and at the beginning of December, ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol stayed idle only for a few days shaken by the storm, Putin’s pirate fleet resumed the transportation of stolen Ukrainian grain and other products during the first week of winter. It is obvious that Russian occupants will keep looting Ukraine during winter,…

дрон крим
«Crimean Federal University» trains Russian military operators of FPV-drones

The Crimean Federal University, set up by Russian occupants on the basis of stolen Ukrainian Tavriisky National University named after Vernadsky, launched school for training civilian and Russian military operators of kamikaze drones.  The Center for Journalist Investigations identified all persons involved in training Russian military operators of drones. 

Russian secret training grounds in the South of Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Russian full scale invasion into Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces have regularly turned occupied South of Ukraine into its military base and used civilians as “human shield”.  Russian occupants use illegally “expropriated” private houses, apartments, resort complexes and hotels as their military barracks and hospitals. Ukrainian factories are exploited to…

«Bunker for the General»: How Chief of General Staff of the Russian Army Gerasimov was Hiding from the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Berdyansk

Valerii Gerasimov, the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and Chief of General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, appeared in public outside Russia for the first time after «Prigozhyn’s plot». Russian propagandists and Ukrainian media reported on August 1, 2023 that Gerasimov visited the forward command center of the Russian occupation…

Who prepares Crimean drones for the Russian war against Ukraine

It is easy to avoid Western sanctions if you use countries as intermediaries. The team of the Center for Journalist Investigations uncovered a network of companies in the third countries behind Simferopol manufacturer of drones founded by Ukrainian citizens-collaborators. It is about Crimean limited liability company «Roboavia». It develops and manufactures «flying wing» drones and…

Collaborators-emigrants. How Ukrainian traitors escape from occupied Crimea and South to Europe and USA

The National Police of Ukraine started submitting data about collaborators, who escaped to European countries, to the database of Interpol. The Center for Journalist Investigations decided to remind about known collaborators who fled from temporary occupied South and Crimea and report about those who have not yet been investigated by the National Police of Ukraine.

Stolen Ukrainian grain delivered from Berdyansk to Turkish port

The ship under flag of Panama has been loaded with stolen Ukrainian grain in the port of temporary occupied Berdyansk during one week. Now the ship stays near Turkish borders.