Crimean «Refrigerator» Wins Over Propagandist TV
«Sanctions will make Russia stronger», «Russia is successful in import replacement», «GDP grows» are regular slogans of Russian officials and propagandists. The Center of Journalist Investigations asked its readers in occupied Crimea – have Russian aggression against Ukraine and imposed Western sanctions influenced quality of their lives? Readers’ feedback was expected: sanctions negatively impacted their...
Case of Shevtsov-Sharii: Cooperation with FSB, Videos with Ukrainian Military Captives under Pressure, Dissemination of Russian Propaganda
Vinnytsia City Court considers the case about state treason of pro-Russian blogger Anatolii Sharii and former Head of the Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Vinnytsia region Anton Shevtsov. The case is about cooperation between Lieutenant Colonel of the National Police Shevtsov and Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and their media project, involving...